SF State’s longtime mascot opens their diary for an inside look at 90-plus years representing the University
Dear fellow Gators,
I can’t believe this institution has been around for 125 years ... and that I’ve been around most of that time to watch the school grow! While SF State celebrates this milestone, I wanted to look back at my own weird, wild, magical ride and share highlights from my personal journal. I hope you enjoy reading about my time as your mascot as much as I’ve enjoyed living it!
Your pal,
Alli Gator
Dear diary — you’re not going to believe what just happened! The students at SF State chose me to be their mascot!
The student newspaper, the Bay Leaf, made a call for a mascot, and a reader proposed an alligator. As students explained in Bay Leaf: “The newly suggested animal is strong; we hope our teams will contain great strength. … It is steadfast, moving ever steadily towards its goal. Selected to represent our college, it will be capable of bringing honor both to the students and faculty.”
But it wasn’t always a lock for me. The students almost chose the panther instead. I’m sorry, but that just doesn’t have the same zip as “SF State Gators.” Oh, speaking of which, the students say they want it to be spelled “Gaters” — you know, like the Golden Gate? We’ll see how long that lasts …
Apparently, there’s a rumor going around that SF State used to have two live baby alligator mascots named Oogie and Albert. Not true! OK, back in the early years there was one live baby alligator, but we found a better home for our little friend before they got too big. Sometime after that, SF State had twin Gators that were much better suited for campus life. (You know — the kind of Gators with zippers down the back?)
I just can’t make up my mind about my look these days. Some days I feel green, some days I feel purple. And some days I want big eyelashes. What can I say? I’m experimenting and trying to discover my best self. Isn’t that what college is all about?
One thing never changes, though: I love love LOVE meeting new Gators and their extended families. It makes me so happy I’ve started showing off my choppers with big, toothy grins. Hmm … maybe that should be part of my new look …
The grand opening of the new Mashouf Wellness Center was off the hook! The pool is so beautiful that they had to give it a fancy name — “the Natatorium” — but for some reason they wouldn’t let me hop in for a quick swim. Oh well. I had almost as much fun lapping students on the indoor running track. (Or were they lapping me?)
The University has started calling me “Alli Gator.” I like it! I’ve got a new look, too: These days, you’ll see me wearing a purple SFSU cap and shirt, and my manicure is always fresh. The University threw a party to unveil my new look. President Mahoney even came! I feel like a local celebrity. And KQED agrees! They recently said that I and my buddy Claude — you know, the albino alligator who lives at the Academy of Sciences in Golden Gate Park? — are the two most famous alligators in San Francisco.
I’ve got other famous pals, too, like my bestie Lou Seal. It’s always a blast to go to Oracle Park for San Francisco State Night. Oh, those garlic fries. Everybody, stand back!
Wow — SF State turned 125 and is as strong as ever. I hope I feel that full of energy when I hit that age. To think I’ll get there in just 32 more years!

125 Years of SF State Excellence
SF State’s motto translates to “experience teaches,” so after a century and a quarter we’ve got a lot of fun facts to school you about.

Strike Sparks
Gator heroes of the LGBTQ liberation movement are receiving long-due recognition courtesy of research by an SF State professor and his students.

In Conversation with Annette Bening
Annette Bening (B.A., ’80) dives into her reflections on college and conquering fears with SF State Magazine columnist Ben Fong-Torres (B.A., ’66).